Call for Demos

On behalf of the PRAGMA 37 Program Committee, we are soliciting demos for the PRAGMA 37 workshop. The demo session offers opportunities to showcase applications/test-bed developed under PRAGMA for the potential broader use by the community. All PRAGMA 37 attendees are encouraged to submit abstracts to the demo sessions.

Important Dates
  • Submission deadline: August 9th, 2019.
  • Author notification: August 16th, 2019.

Submission Instructions

The abstract should be less than 450 words and include the following information:

  1. Title of the demo
  2. Names and institutions
  3. A brief abstract describing the demo
  4. Requirements for the demo (e.g. time, network, etc.)

We strongly recommend all submissions use the Word template here.

All accepted demo submissions will be presented during the workshop. Each demo will be 15mins with 5min for questions. In order to better document the workshop activities, all presentations will be collected for uploading to the website.

Registration for the main PRAGMA 37 event is required prior to Demo Request submission. If you haven’t registered to PRAGMA 37 workshop yet, please do so at the Registration page.

Where to Submit

All PRAGMA 37 attendees are welcome to submit the completed Word template through EasyChair. Please select the Demo track.

If you have any questions regarding the demo abstract submission, please contact our demo chairs:


After the workshop, all presenters will be invited to submit a paper, about four pages maximum length, related to your demo presentation. The papers will be collected and published on line as the first PRAGMA proceeding and will be available at the end of the year 2019. The proceeding will give broader audiences an understanding of how you through PRAGMA are advancing science through your works, and for some, it provides a proof for your sponsor that your presentation is published in a proceeding.