Hackathon Topic 2: Add more visibility and analytical ability to PRAGMA Cloud Testbed services

Possible projects:

  • An API for querying the Cloud Scheduler database for registered sites and real-time visualizations of the results for PRAGMA Testbed sites. The visualization can be a google map (or other map) that shows PRAGMA sites geolocated. Hint: each site has Latitude, Longitude, Name, ENT-enabled attributes that will need to be used. The result of this visualization should be viewed in the browser

  • New visualization that monitors current bookings (each booking is a running virtual cluster).
    Each PRAGMA site information includes :

    • CPU available (total)
    • Memory available (total)
    • Name
    • ENT-enabled or not

    Each reservationion information includes :

    • resource where it runs
    • CPU used
    • memory used
    • VC name (virtual cluster disk image name)

    You can choose to present site remaiing capacity, types of running bookings, etc. from using information about sites and running bookings. The result of this visualizatio should be viewed in the browser.


  • PRAGMA installation of cloud scheduler and its website
  • PRAGMA installation Booked scheduler API documentation
  • Use your user registration given to you for the cloud scheduler website and the API access because because one needs to be a user to be able to use API and the database queries.
  • Original Booked software used as a basis for the Cloud Scheduler, see website In the Booked website in Help -> Contributions there is a link to already written API client (PHP). This API may be used as a basis, or rewritten using any other languge of your choice. If you choose this API, note:

    • one of the files has a bug. The fix is easy and will be evident from the PHP errors.
    • for the configuration file of this API you will need to set the correct time zone and the address for Cloud scheduler:
    const BOOKEDWEBSERVICESURL = 'http://fiji.rocksclusters.org/cloud-scheduler/Web/Services/index.php';
    • Example script using PHP API:
    require_once 'bookedapi.php';
    $username = 'youraccount';
    $password = 'yourpassword';
    $bookedApiUrl =
    $bookedapiclient = new bookedapiclient($username, $password);
    $bookedapiclient-> authenticate(true);
    // get user information given user id 
    function GetUser($bookedapiclient, $userid) {
      &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  $userInfo = $bookedapiclient->getUser($userid);
      &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  print_r($userInfo);
    GetUser($bookedapiclient, 1);