UPCOMING DEADLINES: ***September 6th **** Submissions for Student Presentations and Posters.
Call for Student Presentations
All PRAGMA 40 student attendees are invited to present for the PRAGMA40 workshop in Penang, Malaysia on 9th-12th October 2024.
Each student will make a 15-minute presentation and 5-minute Q&A.
Note, the student presentation session is separate from the poster session and one-minute lightning talk session.
- Submission deadline: September 6, 2024.
- Author notification: September 10, 2024.
- Workshop registration deadline: September 10, 2024.
The submission should cover the following information:
- Title of the presentation
- Names and institutions
- A brief abstract (less than or equal to 450 words)
We strongly recommend all submissions use the word template
Please submit the completed Word template through Google Forms at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1nZo6qOmaw9w5lyeP3DOySRyX3sCRFC_g9H0ZJ0W3ixo/viewform.
If you have any questions regarding the presentation abstract submission, please contact our Student Presentations Chair: yamamoto.junya@ais.cmc.osaka-u.ac.jp